Construction season

I set about this summer to learn an ancient craft for the first time – woodworking. And in the process, I replaced an eyesore in my home.

plastic storage unit

former storage unit  photo source : Lorie Pierce

Here are some pictures from during the building process.

hutch during construction   photo source : Lorie Pierce

hutch during construction photo source : Lorie Pierce


construction detail photo source : Lorie Pierce

And the final result, in situ.

completed project

completed mini-hutch beside regular hutch photo source : Lorie Pierce

I now have to be sure not to get too attached to the carved eider duck as it is going to friends who were just married.



sightings – homes as exhibits

From time to time, I come across the home of a friend or relative that appears much like an museum exhibit. A beautiful presentation by someone with an artistic eye. Case in point, this home in London England filled with ceramics rescued from markets and repaired lovingly by the owner.

photo source : Lorie Pierce

photo source : Lorie Pierce