Last push – Forbidden City

cricket jar

Forbidden City cricket jar photo source : ROM & Palace Museum. Beijing

Today and tomorrow mark the last off-site promotions for the Forbidden City exhibit. We will mingle with tourists in the lobby of a major hotel while they check-in. Even with our large banner, interesting artifacts (samurai helmet) and approachable demeanor, we have fierce competition from other lobby attractions such as the free popcorn booth and a talking robot.

Twitter Stats – most viewed


Twitter stat database – click to enlarge

Through analysis of the reports Twitter has been sending me, I have been able to determine my most viewed and linked-to tweet. It’s the photo of the Great Auk mount that is housed in the museum’s Biodiversity Gallery.

Great Auk mount

Great Auk mount photo source : ROM Images

Views = 2332

Links = 44

Not bad for a bird that has been extinct since the mid 1800’s.

When nomenclature changes – KPg

David Evans

ROM Vertebrate Palaeontologist David Evans at KPg extinction boundary, Montana photo source : @ROMPalaeo

Not sure when it happened or maybe it has been a gradual process.

It appears that the former Cretaceous-Tertiary (KT) boundary of geological note is now know as the Cretaceous – Paleogene (KPg)

According to Wikipedia references:

  • The abbreviation is derived from the juxtaposition of K, the common abbreviation for the Cretaceous, which in turn originates from the correspondent German term Kreide, and Pg, which is the abbreviation for the Paleogene.
  • This former designation has as a part of it a term, ‘Tertiary‘ (abbreviated as T), that is now discouraged as a formal geochronological unit by the International Commission on Stratigraphy

The Paleogene (not to be confused with the Paleocene) is that period of time formally know as the Lower Tertiary.

Palaeogenegeologic period began 66 and ended 23.03 million years ago and comprises the first part of the CenozoicEra. Lasting 43 million years, the Paleogene is most notable as being the time in which mammals evolved from relatively small, simple forms into a large group of diverse animals in the wake of the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event that ended the preceding Cretaceous Period

Now you know.

UPDATE: This chart indicates the change in nomenclature from KT to KPg was made in January 2013 by the International Commission on Stratigraphy. It is also helpful to illustrate the difference between Paleogene and Paleocene.


KPg subdivisions source : ICS


Quote – Richard Branson


Richard Branson

Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson photo source : Reuters

“A business is simply an idea to make other people’s lives better.”


“When I started Virgin from a basement in west London, there was no great plan or strategy. I didn’t set out to build a business empire … For me, building a business is all about doing something to be proud of, bringing talented people together and creating something that’s going to make a real difference to other people’s lives.”


“This may sound like a truism … But it has to be said: It takes an engaged, motivated, and committed workforce to deliver a first-class product or service and build a successful, sustainable enterprise.”


“If you look for the best in your employees, they’ll flourish. If you criticize or look for the worst, they’ll shrivel up. We all need lots of watering.”


“The Virgin brand is not a product like Coca-Cola or Famous Grouse whisky; it’s an attitude and a way of life to many. That attitude is about giving customers a better time and better value in a fun way that embraces life and seeks to give the customers something new.”

Museums serve many purposes in society but ultimately they are businesses.

Are there some thoughts that come to your mind regarding your museum when you read these quotes?

sightings – Ramon Antonio Gerardo Estevez

Martin Sheen

Martin Sheen photo source : imdb

Sometimes famous people come to the museum and I am usually not around, or otherwise oblivious to their visit. However, I did see Martin Sheen (Ramon Antonio Gerardo Estevez) a couple of years ago when he attended a function for an international children’s’ charity.

It’s his 74th birthday today. A great time to celebrate and admire what he accomplishes both on and off the screen.

Talking up the exhibit

We are in the home stretch for the major Forbidden City exhibit, which closes September 1st. So we have been out on day trips to city events to promote attendance….including the weekend long China Now festival. Located at the Harbourfront during gorgeous summer weather, this event had to compete with the final World Cup games between Netherlands vs Brazil for 3rd spot, and Germany vs Argentina for 1st and 2nd.

event banner

Promotional telescoping sign photo source : Lorie Pierce


‘papercut’ style banners   photo source : Lorie Pierce

Imperial dragon

Imperial 5-clawed dragon photo source : Lorie Pierce

hands-on table

volunteers staff a hands-on table with objects relating to the exhibit      photo source : Lorie Pierce

The effect of weather


sunflower photo source : Lorie Pierce

When dull, humid, rainy weather is forecast in the summer, the attendance rate at our museum increases. Yesterday we had a good turnout as the media were predicting thunderstorms that never quite materialized.

Of course, when the weather is glorious, who wouldn’t want to be out in a park, take a ferry to the Toronto Islands or catch an outdoor music concert. I’m glad I wandered past this energizing sunflower on a recent visit to the Artscape Wychwood Barns. Home of some amazing artists’ studios.

Artscape Wychwood Barn Building #2

photo source : Lorie Pierce